How to fix tooth discoloration

What is tooth discoloration? 

Tooth discolouration is a broader term. In tooth discolouration, patients' teeth lose their standard natural colour. They started to become dark and yellow. Sometimes also pick white or dark spots. 

Tooth discoloration causes:

There is a wide range of factors which act as tooth discoloration causes. Both internal and external factors are responsible for tooth discoloration. 

Internal tooth discoloration causes: 

Internal tooth discoloration causes are mainly the accumulation of dental deposits and stains. Such as enamel defects, salivary composition, salivary flow rate and poor oral hygiene. 

External tooth discloration causes:   

Ageing is associated with tooth discoloration in combination with several extrinsic factors like overconsumption of coffee, tea smoking and medication. 

tooth discoloration from antibiotics:

Types  of tooth discloration: 

Tooth discloration brown:

Brown tooth discloration is usually a bacteria-free pigment which is found on the buccal surface of maxillary molars and on the lingual surface of mandibular incisors. 

Tooth discoloration black: 

Black discoloration occurs as a thin black line or as a wide band on the facial and lingual surface of teeth near the gingival margins and extends towards the proximal surfaces. 

Green tooth discoloration:

It's the most common tooth discoloration in the child. Green tooth discoloration is found as a band of tenacious thick deposits on the labial surface of maxillary anterior teeth. It affects boys more frequently as compared to girls. Apart from these, there are a few other types of discoloration which are enlisted below. 

Yellow tooth discoloration or yellow stains on teeth:

Yellow tooth discoloration or yellow stains on teeth are heavily associated with age. As we start ageing the white surface of the enamel on the teeth starts to decline. This vanishing of the white enamel layer exposes and makes the yellow core of teeth more visible. 

  • Tooth discloration grey
  • Tooth discloration white
  • Tooth discolration orange
  • Tooth discoloration metallic
  • Tooth discoloration antiseptic

Treatment for tooth discoloration:

Fixing or removing the tooth discoloration is a step-by-step process. Here is how tooth discoloration treatment is done. 

Preoperational stage: 

It's the first step in the treatment. In this step, the dentist rubs off the staining or discoloration by applying certain materials in order to prepare the tooth for further procedures. Discolored teeth are cleaned with pumice or water slurry or a prophylactic paste in a slow rotating prophylaxis cup. 

Direct composite veneers application:

This is the last and final step in the tooth discoloration process. In this step, the dentist prepares the composite material for veneers to apply to the targeted teeth. Materials are applied with absolute precision and care so that it looks aesthetically natural and attractive. In the end or in the follow-up visit the dentist corrects and adjusts anything which is making the patient uncomfortable. 

Polishing and finishing: 

After the cleaning enamel is polished to a fine luster with fine polishing paste and superfine polishing disks. 

Tooth staining vs cavity: 

Tooth staining and cavity are two different dental issues. If we compare tooth staining vs cavity, tooth staining is the loss of natural colour of the tooth due to external or internal factors. Whilst cavity is a hole in any tooth due to tooth decay. It happens due to dental caries, poor oral hygiene, not brushing the teeth properly and due to some other reasons. 

Teeth discoloration vitamin deficiency: 

Vitamin deficiency and nutrient imbalance also have a huge impact on teeth discoloration. The two major examples of this are calcium and fluoride. Calcium deficiency cause discoloration whilst an excessive dose of fluoride leads to a condition called fluorosis or tooth discoloration white spot. In fluorosis white spots appear on teeth. 

 Tooth discoloration from antibiotics: 

A good number of people are facing tooth discoloration from antibiotics. Along with some other side effects of antibiotics, this one is very significant. Tooth discoloration from antibiotics is mostly observed in children. Particularly who are under the age of 8.  Doxycycline and tetracycline disturb the formation of enamel. Tooth enamel discoloration also happens due to antibiotics.  

Relation between tooth decay and heart disease:

It might sound a little strange but there is a relation between tooth decay and heart disease. Studies have shown that gum diseases are associated with an increased risk of cardiac diseases. 

Tooth discoloration after braces: 

Tooth discoloration after braces is very common. The rate of plaque buildup becomes higher around the braces wire and brackets. This plaque accumulation leads up to yellow or brown-colored thick calculus. Ultimately inducing discoloration in teeth. 

Can tooth stains be removed?

Yes, there are various methods and techniques through which we can remove tooth stains or tooth discoloration. Direct composite veneers are one of them. 


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